Posted by Cindy Amell on Mar 19, 2019
This week we are having Duane Vaughn, ED, Tri County United way speak to us.
We will be inducting three new members – Gabrielle Grasmeder, Janice Holding and Andrew Holding.  Andrea Hebert as our Membership Chair will be changing things up a bit based on member suggestions.  Each new member will be telling a little bit about themselves.  We are also asking that after they are inducted we welcome them with a standing ovation.  We are also having them position themselves at the door when we exit the room so that each of you can personally introduce yourselves and welcome them to the family of rotary.
Rotary 5k – Sign up now!!.  We need many hands on deck to make this a success.  The date is Saturday April 13th at SUNY ACC.  If you are new to the club this is a fun event to help at and work with other Rotarians.  Reach out to Jim Goodspeed to see what you might enjoy helping with at the event.  Also mark your calendar for the Packing party at the Conkling Center April 11 from 4-6.  We will have a signup for this as well
Big Brothers Big Sisters
We're down to the wire, folks! Our Rotary Rollers team will be bowling this Sunday, March 24th to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Southern Adirondacks. If you made a pledge, please bring it this week! If you would like to donate online, please go to:, click on the donate button, type in Rotary Rollers and donate to the team. We need all your help to bring home the pin! Thank you for your generous support!
April 6th is our District Assembly.  April 6, 2019 7:30am - 3:00pm First Reformed Church 10 North Church Street, Schenectady
Join Rotarians from around the District for our annual District Training Day and Grant Management Seminar.  This event is free to all Rotarians and includes a light breakfast and lunch. 
New Member Orientation - 1:30 - 3pm:  Perfect for any Rotarian who has joined Rotary in the past few years.  Untangle your questions about Rotary, learn about Rotary's alphabet soup, come to understand the incredible and vast array of programs at both the District and International level, plus info about what your own club is up to.  More info to follow on how to register.  See Cindy if interested in attending. 
Global Grant Update as written by PP Dave Bogue to me.   This is a $150,000 grant we started and finished for a water project in Haiti. 
You know, it was my Presidential project that I launched during my year in Partnership with Pure Water for the World…and Bob Rosoff, God bless him, helped me with his grant experience and carried it on. It progressed through Barb Sweet, then Bob’s and Harrison’s years as President, and now finally closes in yours. Five years, five Presidents later and we finally have a completed project. I’m proud of all the people who worked tirelessly over the last 5 years to make this happen. It was a lot of dedicated Rotarians across the US and the Globe, a tremendous number of person hours and dedication but I think we collectively made a difference in a lot of families lives in Haiti. Perseverance and commitment matters. We need to celebrate this achievement, and hopefully illustrate to and “Be the Inspiration” for our next generation of member Rotarians on how we can (and do) make a difference. Thanks to you for “carrying the water” over the finish line.!”
The end!
"Be the inspiration!"