Spinoffs November 23, 2018
This Week – Social Meeting! Dress in your ugly Hanukah or Christmas sweater – or just be festive wearing the holiday colors! Don’t make me be the only one…prizes will be given. Let’s have some fun. We will also be putting stickers on the books going to Queensbury Schools. We will be inducting two new members – Lynda Albright and Neil Lebowitz. Be sure to introduce yourself. Remember we are super nice to them till they join – then it all changes! Let’s sell these last few Carwash tickets to support our Rotary Interact club - $10 each. Bring your cash and Jennifer will work the room. These kids are awesome and could be our future Rotarians – let’s show them our support!
It is time to thank our Lunch Staff with our annual holiday tip. I know we will be generous – this covers several of the staff for the full year – this is a bonus for them! Remember poor Clark Griswold –how disappointed he was when he didn’t get his Christmas bonus? Hopefully Cousin Eddy won’t visit us…
Dec 13 and 20th we meet at the Park Theatre. We will be enjoying our two HS musical groups on the Stage! Well…they will be on the stage. Same lunch price. Same lunch time.
NO Meeting Thursday December 27th.
Sign up:
Bell Ringing Dec 1st – We still need time slots filled. See our website to sign up.
Salvation Army needs help still filling baskets in December. See our website for times
If you have trouble signing up to help, please reach out to Ed Fitzgerald. He can sign you up.
Please consider shopping for a family for the Warm the Children program. It’s easy and quick and you would be surprised at how grateful the recipients are.
Through the generosity of the many friends of Doug Burch, we received $475 in donations which will be used for the HS Scholarships in the spring.
Thank you to the following volunteers who helped to build the Habitat for Humanity house (so far still standing) – Michelle Chandler, Don Krebs, Tricia Freer, Jean Lapper, Kathy and Tim Bechard.
Thank you to the following volunteers who helped serve the Saturday night Supper – Alex and Charles Adams, Brian, Stephanie, Molly and Brennan Corcoran (yep – the whole family minus the dog) and Jim and Melissa Goodspeed.
“A North Country Holiday Concert” – December 9th – Come listen to the Glens Falls Symphony perform at the Glens Falls High School at 4pm. Tickets $25-36 and $10 for students and children. Excited guest performers – National Fiddle champion Hanneke Cassel and Newfoundland guitarist Keith Murphy will join the symphony and Children’s choir.
The end!